Christy Moore

Galtee Mountain Boy

Christy Moore

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Galtee Mountain Boy

Written by Traditional


C G F C C G C C 
C C G C F G C C 
C C G C F G C C 
C G F C C G C C  

(as the last line of last verse or after last verse repeat last line; 
 swap 2nd last C chord with F  
 and last bar of C single strum or root note... or just do your own thing) 

chord repetition: first and last the same... 2 middle the same 

Lyric variation: I like to sing: Fare "thee" well to Tipp...  
timing stays the same as Fare Thee become two 1/8 notes instead of fare as a 1/4 note 

verse 1 
       C              G           F        C          C         G            C         C 
     I joined     the fly-    ing col-     umn     in nine-     teen     six-teen 
   C             C         G        C           F              G            C          C           
In Cork     with Sean      Moy-     lan,     in Tipperary      with     Dan Breen  
           C            C           G         C           F       G              C     C 
         A-rre-    sted by     free stat-     ers     and sen-    tenced for     to die  
          C           G           F       C             C           G        C         C 
     Fare well     to Tipp-    er-ar-     y    said the Gal-    tee moun-    tain boy 

        C          G             F         C           C            G             C       C 
     We went     a-cross     the vall-     eys     and o'er     the hill-    tops green     
         C            C          G       C             F          G           C           C      
Where we met     with Din-    ny La-     cey,     Sean Ho-    gan and     Dan Breen     
     C           C           G            C            F            G               C     C       
Sean Moy-    lan and     his gall-    ant men     they kept     the flag     flying high          
          C           G           F       C             C           G        C            C 
     Fare well     to Tipp-    er-ar-     y    said the Gal-    tee moun-    tain boy 

        C               G           F         C                C           G          C    C 
     We tracked     the Dub-    lin moun-     tains    we were rebels      on     the run   
       C           C             G        C               F            G            C      C         
Though hun-    ted night     and mor-     ning    we were outlaws      but     free men      
   C               C            G         C               F           G            C       C      
We tracked     the Wick-    low moun-     tains    as the sun     was shin-    ing high    
          C           G           F       C             C           G        C             C       
     Fare well     to Tipp-    er-ar-     y    said the Gal-    tee moun-    tain boy 

       C            G           F       C                  C          G             C        C 
     I bid     fare-well     to old     Clon-mel    that I never      more     will see    
    C          C           G         C             F             G              C            C        
And to     the Gal-    tee moun-     tain     that oft     times shel-    tered me       
    C           C                   G          C             F             G         C       C     
The men     who fought    for their li-    ber-ty    and who died     with-out     a sigh    
          C            G             F       C                C           G        C         C          
May their cause     be ne'er     for-go-     tten    said the Gal-    tee moun-    tain boy 

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