Chuck Berry

Almost Grown

Chuck Berry

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Almost Grown

Year: 1959 - Album: The Definitive Collection

Written by Chuck Berry

	  		D7                                   G
Yeah 'n' I'm doin' all right in school.
They ain't said I broke no rule.
G                     C
I ant never been in Dutch.
C                         G
I don't browse around too much

G D Don't bother me, leave me alone D G Anyway I'm almost grown D7 G I don't run around with no mob. G Got myself a little job G C I'm gonna buy me a little car, C G Drive my girl in the park
**Chorus **Instrumental D7 G Got my eye on a little girl. G Ah, she's really out of this world. G C When I take her to the dance, C G She's got to talk about romance. **Chorus **Instrumental: D7 G You know I'm still livin' in town. G But I done married and settled down. G C Now I really have a ball C G So I don't browse around at all _______________________________________________________ Contribuição: DIMAIS!!!! Mateus na área([email protected])

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