Chuck Berry

Vacation Time

Chuck Berry

keyboards Intermediate intermediate


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Vacation Time

Written by Chuck Berry

Intro: C  B  D7  G 

C        Am           Dm7      G7          
Picnics, beaches, and ballrooms, 
C            Am       Dm7   G7  
 Just me and my honey bun; 
C               C7       F        Fm 
Home-work they shout, is over and out, 
C                       G7 
Vacation's just begun. 

C            Am      Dm7            G7 
Far from the city, beneath a shade-tree, 
C              Am         Dm7   G7 
We'll spread a basket for two; 
C             C7       F          Fm 
Then we'll discuss the future for us, 
    C                               C   
And I'll whisper love words to you. 

C9 Just can't wait for that swimmin' date, F To see your new bathing suit. D9 It must be a gas 'cause one you had last, G G7 Gee! Was' it cute!
#3: C Am Dm7 G7 So we will dance and bypass romance, C Am Dm7 G7 Right now they say we're too young C C7 F Fm But I shall marry you my love C G7 As soon as you reach twenty one. Instrumental: C Am Dm7 G7 C Am Dm7 G7 C C7 F Fm C C Am Dm7 G7 C Am Dm7 G7 C C7 F Fm C
C9 Just can't wait for that swimmin' date, F To see your new bathing suit. D9 It must be a gas 'cause one you had last, G G7 Gee! Was' it cute!
#4: C Am Dm7 G7 And so we will dance and bypass romance, C Am Dm7 G7 Right now they say we're too young C C7 F Fm But I will marry you my love C Edim7 A A7 As soon as we reach twenty one. D7 G7 C C7 As soon as we reach twenty one.

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