
Easy To Forget Me


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Easy To Forget Me



         G                 A              Bm       D 
I won't call you cause I know, you won't pick up 
         G                 A              Bm       D  
I still don't know what happened and it'S been months 
 G                      A           
When I called you up at 1 in the morning 
 Bm                              D                   G 
The time you told me you could trust me more than anyone 
        A                  Bm       D 
I can still remember everything 
We're in the same town  
But you're nowhere to be found 

G D So tell me now A A Do you ever miss me? G D A A How could you just walk away, is it that easy to forget me? G D A Cause all I know is that we were so Close A G D A and now it's like I don't know you anymore, I just gotta know A G D A Is it that easy to forget me? A G Is it that easy to forget me? A D Forget me
Verse G A Bm D I never thought that we would end up like this G A Bm D cause you were the one that I could always count on G** A** Bm D and now there's nothing left, no evidence that I was ever in your life G A Bm D I'm still the same, so why did you change? G* We're in the same town A* But you're nowhere to be found
G D So tell me now A A Do you ever miss me? G D A A How could you just walk away, is it that easy to forget me? G D A Cause all I know is that we were so Close A G D A and now it's like I don't know you anymore, I just gotta know A G D A Is it that easy to forget me? A G Is it that easy to forget me? A D Forget me
Bridge G A Bm Bm How did we end up strangers? G A D D What would I say if I ever saw you again? Em Bm And I don't wanna care so much G* Em* Why do I keep holding on? Fm* Bm* G D Fm Bm I keep holding on G* I put the phone down A* I'm done waiting to be found
G D So tell me now A A Do you ever miss me? G D A A How could you just walk away, is it that easy to forget me? G D A Cause all I know is that we were so Close A G D A and now it's like I don't know you anymore, I just gotta know A G D A Is it that easy to forget me? A G Is it that easy to forget me? A D Forget me
Em D Easy Fm Bm Forget me (Is it that easy to forget me?) Em D Easy Fm Bm forget me (I keep holding on) Em* D* Easy Fm* D* forget me End

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