Cindy Morgan

Praise the King

Cindy Morgan

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Praise the King

Year: 1998 - Album: Best So Far

Written by Cindy Morgan

	  		  C#                             F# 
1)Praise Him in the morning, For tall and  
      C#             G# 
lofty trees.     And praise Him in the evening,  
    C#                G#        C# 
For children on their knees.   Oh and praise Him  
                     F#                C# 
in the noon day, For gentle birds that sing. 
C#        Fm  F#     G#                C# 
Oh praise Him all ye people, Praise the King 

2)And praise Him for a peaceful porch, And  
F#                  C#      G#      
rocking chairs that sway.   Praise Him for the  
                     C#                 G# 
rolling hills, Where children laugh and play. 
Oh and praise Him for the wandering soul, That  
F#                C#    C#        Fm  F#      
never lost their way.   Oh praise Him all ye  
G#                 C# 
people, Praise the King 

  C#         G# F#             C#          G# F# 
C)Praise the Ki ng  Praise the King Let it ri ng  
           C#    C#         G# F#             C#   
Praise the King, Praise the Ki ng Praise the King  
       F#   F#m        C# 
Let it ring Praise the King 

    C#                   F# 
3)And praise Him for the blood that fell, And  
G#                  C#           G# 
bloomed a rose that day.     And praise Him that  
         F#             G#       
He suffered through the guilt, the grief, the  
G#           C# 
shame Oh and praise Him that His tender love will  
F#              G#  C#        Fm  F#     G# 
still forgive today Oh praise Him all ye people  
praise the King 

  C#         G# F#             C#          G# F# 
C)Praise the Ki ng  Praise the King Let it ri ng  
           C#    C#         G# F#             C#   
Praise the King, Praise the Ki ng Praise the King  
       F#   F#m        C# 
Let it ring Praise the King  

D#         Bb G#             D#          Bb G# 
Praise the Ki ng  Praise the King Let it ri ng  
           D#    D#         Bb G#             D#   
Praise the King, Praise the Ki ng Praise the King  
       G#   G#m        D# 
Let it ring Praise the King  


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