
The Battle And The Blessing


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The Battle And The Blessing




G    Em D 
G    Em D 

Verse 1:

G C We did not bear the wounds that freed us Em D Or walk the road to Calvary G/B C We did not share Your cup of suffering D G Em D And yet we share Your victory

Verse 2:

G C We did not wear that heavy burden Em D Nor face the shame and agony G/B C A crown of thorns was placed upon You D G Gsus4 G Now we are crowned with love and peace
C G D Em Praise the Lord, my God, now I am free C G Dsus4 D At the cross Your grace took hold of me C G D Em There You paid my debt, there You fought my fight D C G/B D G Yes, the battle was Yours and the blessing is mine
Turnaround (G) Em D

Verse 3:

G C You chose to be a man of sorrows Em D That I can be a child of God G/B C You stood and faced this world’s rejection D G I stand, accepted by Your love
C G D Em Praise the Lord, my God, now I am free C G Dsus4 D At the cross Your grace took hold of me C G D Em There You paid my debt, there You fought my fight D C G/B D Em Yes, the battle was Yours and the blessing is mine D C G/B D C Yes, the battle was Yours and the blessing is mine
Instrumental (C) D C/E D G/B C D Em D C G/B D G

Verse 4:

G C My sin was buried with the Saviour Em D Now there is hope beyond the tomb G/B C For You were raised again in glory D G And I am raised to life in You C D G Forevermore to live with You!
C G D Em Praise the Lord, my God, now I am free C G Dsus4 D At the cross Your grace took hold of me G/B C G D Em There You paid my debt, there You fought my fight D C G/B D G Yes, the battle was Yours and the blessing is mine C G D Em Praise the Lord, my God, now I am free C G Dsus4 D At the cross Your grace took hold of me G/B C D/F# G D Em There You paid my debt, there You fought my fight D C G/B D Em Yes, the battle was Yours and the blessing is mine
Tag D C G/B D Em Yes, the battle was Yours and the blessing is mine D C G/B D G Yes, the battle was Yours and the blessing is mine Outro (G) Em D G Em D G

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