Clint Black

Abstract Plain

Clint Black


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Abstract Plain

	  		Intro: C#m F# E x 4 
E           F#        G# 
I've had it with this town 
I'm     building    a frame 
E          F#        B        E 
I never    saw those shifting skies 
A place to put my    ten yard stare 
E        F#      G# 
I never  saw the ground 
Thinking of that paint 
Am               F# 
Or the sunset    rise 
Painted in plein-air 
Am                   E        F#        C#m 
I want to live on an abstract plain 
C#m      Am            C#m 
I need a new address 
            Am           C#m 
I want some new terrain 
Tell me I'm not insane 
               Am        C#m 
Is or north or south 
Is it up or    down 
                     E        F#     C#m 
I want to live on an abstract plain 
E       F#         G# 
I could sit on the roof 
E       F#     B        E 
On top of that abstract house 
E      F#       G# 
See my abstract view 
Am          F# 
An abstract mouse 
Am                   E        F#     C#m 
I want to live on an abstract plain 
outro: C#m F# E x 4 
This is in standard tuning.  I'm not sure about some of the chords 
being major or minor chords, my ear isn't too good.  Please post any 
corrections!  or e-mail me. 

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