Cosmo Jarvis

Girl From My Village

Cosmo Jarvis

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Girl From My Village

Intro: G 

    G                   C          G 
I'm not gonna talk like she was my friend 
        Dm         C          G 
But she died and I started to cry 
         C                                  G 
She hung out in the village wherever I hung out 
                                    D7       G   
Didn't know her well at all but her soul was fine 

        G                       C      G 
She saw many of the same things I have seen 
      Dm              C         G 
And I bet she had her own grand dreams 
      C                                G 
Now a girl just a few years older than me 
                                     D7        G 
Has been taken from the world for no reason it seems 

C                   G         Dm 
I see a million bad people a day 
      C                             G          Dm 
And I know they bad people but they won't go away 
     C                      G                   Dm 
They bump in on places everywhere that you'll see 
         C                          G           Dm 
So who decided she was gonna be the person to leave 
It could've been me, 

C Em D G So eas ily ,another good girl goes away C G While the bad guys get to stay D C I don't get it, I don't know what to say - G And I'm sorry you were thrown away
Verse G C G She could've done so much more but now Dm C G The chance has been taken away C G I wish I could've done something for her D7 G Like go and get death and try to get in his way G C G A life cut short while others drag Dm C G And plot, and steal and scheme C G Now a girl from the same damn village as me D7 G Has been taken from the world for no reason it seems Pre-Chorus C G Dm I see a million bad people a day C G Dm And I know they bad people but they won't go away C G Dm They bump in on places everywhere that you'll see C G Dm So who decided she was gonna be the person to leave C It could've been me,
C Em D G So eas ily ,another good girl goes away C G While the bad guys get to stay D C I don't get it, I don't know what to say - G And I'm sorry you were thrown away Em D G So eas ily ,another good girl goes away C G While the bad guys get to stay D C I don't get it, I don't know what to say G And I'm sorry you were thrown away C G And I'm sorry you were thrown away

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