Deer Tick

Goodbye Dear Friend

Deer Tick

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Goodbye Dear Friend

Intro: Am - C - E - E7 (x2) 

Some roads that you take 
Some bonds we'll choose to break 
  E                        E7 
I swore I'd no long be the pallbearer 
But I carried you to bed 
So you could rest your head 
         E                        E7 
You were taking off a load, heavy drinking 
The world it carries on 
Your memories in songs 
         E                           E7 
And your pictures on my wall are not forgotten 
There was hymns that came from mouths 
That turned crosses upside down 
       E                             E7 
But it came through their teeth with great ease 

F C And all the bobbing heads in sync F G And all have got a lot on their minds to think about C F But you carry on in pictures and in songs C And the unmade be you slept in G Where I laid you down to rest one last time F C F C Goodbye, dear friend, Goodbye, dear friend
Instrumental F-C (x2) Verse Am Some stories break your heart C And some with such appalle E E7 Buried deep inside, where it's ok to cry Am Some boy's won't shed a tear C Oh, but a tale like this here E E7 It can break me down and get me where it hurts the most
F C And all the bobbing heads in sync F G And all have got a lot on their minds to think about C F But you carry on in pictures and in songs C And the unmade be you slept in G Where I laid you down to rest one last time F C F C Goodbye, dear friend, Goodbye, dear friend
Instrumental F-C x2 Bridge C F You carry on in pictures and in songs C And the unmade be you slept in G Where I laid you down to rest one last time F C F C Goodbye, dear friend, Goodbye, dear friend

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