Deer Tick

Houston, Tx

Deer Tick

keyboards Beginner beginner


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Houston, Tx

	  		A            A        D          E 
Well, I walk with the moon tonight 
A                   A          D            E 
It cuts through the air with a curse like a knife 
A                 A           D         E 
And it can float around and I do what I like 
A                        A          D             E 
There's no good place in town but I feel alright, alright. 

( A  A  D  E ) 

A                   A              D               E 
Well, I ain't gonna talk like your sweetheart, no. 
A                         A            D       E 
I'm through with all this messing around. 
A             A                   D           E 
I ain't gonna talk like your sweetheart, no. 
A                       A           D        E 
I'm through with always letting you down. 

A               A             D                E 
There's nothing left and I am sure that it's a sign 
A                   A                D        E 
that maybe I'm just about as good as gone. 
A               A                 D              E 
And I know it's best that in this empty heart of mine 
A              A            D   E 
it's where I begin to movin on, oh... moving on. 

( A  A  D  E ) 

A            A            D           E 
Well, I fell right on the face of the earth, 
A     A      D        E 
so in native soil 
A             A       D           E 
And I took it all for what it was worth 
A                      A      D    E 
because it's not worth anymore,  
       A      A    D    E 
not anymore. 

A                 A           D          E 
And I ain't gonna talk like a gentleman, no 
A                       A                  D  E 
I'm through with always chasing you around 
A             A           D          E 
I ain't gonna talk like a gentleman, no 
A                        A              D     E 
cause I'm sick of always letting myself down. 

A               A             D              E 
There's nothing left and I am sure that it's alright 
     A                   A              D      E 
that I was almost just about as good as gone 
A                    A                 D               E 
And I know that it's best that in this broken heart of mine 
    A        A             D  E            A  A  D  E 
is where I begin to movin on, oh... movin on. 
           A    A    D   E    A 
Oh... move on. 

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