


keyboards Intermediate intermediate


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A Come for me, you cover me E Come for me, comfort me A Come for me, cover me E Comfort me, comfort me

Verse 1:

A E I had, a dream, no longer to be free A E I want only to see, four walls made of concrete F# G# 6 by 6 enclosed A B E See me on video, oh oh oh oh F# G# A B E Feed me twice a day, I want to fade away, away
A Come for me, you cover me E Come for me, comfort me A Come for me, cover me E Comfort me, comfort me

Verse 2:

A E And after some time, I know I would go blind A E But seeing only binds, the vision to the eye F# I'd lose my voice I know G# A B E But I have nothing left to say ey ey F# G# (nothing left to pray) A B E No echo in this space

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