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Written by Bradford Cox

Key:  G More
Carrion Key DD
Carrion Key D#D#
Carrion Key EE
Carrion Key FF(one step down)
Carrion Key F#F#(half step down)
Carrion Key GG(original key)
Carrion Key G#G#(half step up)
Carrion Key AA(one step up)
Carrion Key A#A#
Carrion Key BB
Carrion Key CC
Carrion Key C#C#

G    C 
Even though you're gone 
G       C 
I still carry on 
G        C 
It's the same big sea 
G        C 
It's the same to me 

verse 1 
G        F 
To carry on 
G     F 
Carry on 
G           C 
I will stay strong 
G           C 
I will stay strong 
G         C 
I set you free 
G         C 
I set you free 
G        C 
Now run along 
G        C 
Now run along 

G      C 
In the midnight hour 
G      C 
I will lose my power 
G      C 
I will dig my hole 
G      C 
I will become a mole 

G      F 
In the ground 
G      F 
In the ground 
G             C 
It's much too deep 
G             C 
It's much too deep 
G                 F 
What's wrong with me? 
G                 F 
What's wrong with me? 
G                 C 
What's wrong with me? 
G                 C 
What's wrong with me? 

G     C 
Everywhere I go 
G    C 
I'm reminded 
G    C 
Long ago 
G       C 
It's so long ago 

G            F    
But it won't leave 
G             F 
Please, leave me 
G         C 
Leave me alone 
G     C 
I am alone 
G           F 
Deep in the ground 
G        F 
Looking around 
G                 C 
Trying to find my home 
G                C 
Trying to find a home 
G             F 
But I dug too deep 
G         F 
I dug too deep 
G        C   
I cannot see 
G        C 
I cannot see 
G                 F 
What's wrong with me? 
G                 F 
What's wrong with me? 
G                 C 
What's wrong with me? 
G                 C 
What's wrong with me? 

G     C 
Even though you're gone 
G       C 
I still carry on 
G        C 
It's the same big sea 
G        C 
It's the same to me 

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Half key step downHalf key step down
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