
Duplex Planet


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Duplex Planet

Written by Bradford Cox

A              Asus2 E 
I don't ever want to go 
A     Asus        E 
Back again to the old folks' home 
A                 Asus2 E 
I don't want to have to stay 
           A                 Asus2 E 
Where they don't remember love's adjacent home 

    F#m       B 
But I've seen you 
G#m F#m          B 
You looked right through me 
G#m   F#m         B 
Those ropes can't keep you away 
G#m F#m             B 
There's no ropes on Tuesdays 

A E A E 

A                Asus2 E 
Dreaming on the way to work 
A               Asus2 E 
Dreaming all the way across the road 

F#m            B 
Don't you see 
G#m     F#m           B 
In your head you will fall asleep 
G#m F#m              B 
And then you won't remember me 
G#m F#m              B 
And then you won't remember me 

A E A E x2 

I'm out of memory 
I'm losing shape 
G#m       F#m 
After the body's gone 
The scent remains 
G#m F#m 
And down the hall 
The time's erased 
G#m    F#m 
You'll find they're gone 
Without a trace 

A E (as many times as you like) 


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