
Let Me Down


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Let Me Down

| Asus2  D6/F#  | Esus4  E  | 
| Asus2  D6/F#  | Esus4     | E    | 

Verse 1:

Asus2 D6 Esus4 E Sleepwalking skeleton wasting away Asus2 D6 Esus4 E An apparition losing track of his own feet D6/B Asus2 D6 D6/C# Catch my reflection and I don't recognize the face that I see D6/B Asus2 D6 Esus4 E Barely holding on like the trees to the dead and dying leaves
Asus2 D6 Esus4 E So let me down Asus2 D6/F# Esus4 E Let me down Asus2 D6 Esus4 E Let me down Asus2 D6/F# Esus4 E Let me down

Verse 2:

Asus2 D6 Esus4 E I feel my lungs drink the ocean drowning me Asus2 D6 Esus4 E I hung myself with all the secrets that I keep D6/B Asus2 D6 D6/C# Lie through my teeth so no one knows the shape I'm in D6/B Asus2 D6 Esus4 E I hide my hands so no one sees they're always shaking
Asus2 D6 Esus4 E So let me down Asus2 D6/F# Esus4 E Let me down Asus2 D6 Esus4 E Let me down Asus2 D6/F# Esus4 E Let me down


D6/B Asus2 D6 D6/C# Lie through my teeth so no one knows the shape I'm in D6/B Asus2 D6 Esus4 E I hide my hands so no one sees they're always shaking
Outro Asus2 D6 Esus4 E Let me down Asus2 D6/F# Esus4 E Let me down Asus2 D6 Esus4 E Let me down Asus2 D6/F# Esus4 E Let me down Asus2 D6 Esus4 E Let me down

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