Elliott Murphy

Green River

Elliott Murphy

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Green River

Esus4     E     Esus4     E         
Em   C   B   Em     Em   C   B   Em 


Em           C        B             Em   
Lights were dancing, footsteps of a mouse  
Em    C                      B                 Em 
On a postage stamp, I saw a picture of our new house 
Em               C         B               Em 
Red roof and magnolias, a field of olives trees 
Em                C      B             Em 
A green River is rising, nearly to my knees 

G D Am C G D C G D C E Green River, Green River, Green River take my soul out to the see
Interlude: Em C B Em Em C B Em Verse Em C B Em Raisin bread and honey, not as sweet as you Em C B Em If I could tell you a fortune, would I lie or would I tell the truth Em C B Em Depending if it brought you, to my arms or distant shores Em C B Em A green River is rising, even higher than before
G D Am C G D C G D C E Green River, Green River, Green River take my soul out to the see
Interlude: Em C B Em Em C B Em Verse Em C B Em Three rings on my fingers, past, present and fade Em C B Em One came from Mississippi the other from different state Em C B Em A state of forgiveness, contradiction and the blues Em C B Em A green River is rising, water filling up my shoes
G D Am C G D C G D C E Green River, Green River, Green River take my soul out to the see
Interlude: Em C B Em Em C B Em Verse Em C B Em This ship ain't moving, its attached to the land Em C B Last night I slept in a bunk bed, dreamin I was in prision Em With a dangerous man Em C B Em I woke up to the river, who crept past us while we slept Em C B Em A green River is rising, until my eyes are soaking wet
G D Am C G D C G D C E Green River, Green River, Green River take my soul out to the see G D Am C G D C G D C E Green River, Green River, Green River take my soul out to the see
Outro Em C B Em Em C B Em Em C B Em Em C B Em

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