Elvis Presley

We Can Make The Morning

Elvis Presley

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We Can Make The Morning

Written by Eklund / The Ohio Players


C                 G                  Am      C 
I just thought I heard a small voice crying 
F                Em         Dm 
Looked again and saw it was me 
C              G            Am         C 
I feel like a little boy to denying 
F                 Em                   Dm 
That he fears the night cause he can't see 
G#		      		       C 
Then a  larger thought that stop your crying 
G#			               C 
Don't be scared to search what you may find 
Em		     		     F 
If they don't start a candle for you footsteps 
D		    	            G 
Time rolls back the shawdows of you mind 

F    G C     Bm    Am 
It's a long, long, lonely night 
C				F 
You can make the morning if you try 
F    G C     Bm    Am 
It's a long, long, lonely night 
      Em			    F 
Oooh, we can make the morning if we try 
      Em			      F 
Girl, we can make the morning you and I 

C	  Em	    Am       F  Dm  Dm7 G C 
Together, together, together 

Loneliness is darkness' first companion 
Spend the night alone and faith may bend 
Share it all and see how fear starts fading 
Chase away the shadows with a friend 
Dawn's elusive light is just beginning 
Now the day can push away the night 
Dreams can make the sun feel much brighter 
Hope creates a foothold for the light 
It's a long, long lonely night 
We can make the morning if we try 
It's a long, long lonely night 
We can make the morning if we try 
Girl, we can make the morning you and I, Oh 
It's a long, long lonely night 
We can make the morning if we try 
It's a long, long lonely night 
We can make the morning if we try 
It's a long, long lonely night 
We can make the morning if we try 

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