Ennio Morricone

Run Man Run

Ennio Morricone

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Run Man Run

Am                   ?                     D         Am 
Somewhere there is a land where men do not kill each other. 
Am                   G          C          D   E   Am G 
Somewhere there is a land where men call a man a brother. 
C                  Am                 G   F            G 
Somewhere you will find a place where men live without fear. 
C                 Am      G         F                G 
Somewhere, if you keep on running, someday you'll be free. 

Am C Never, no never no they'll never lock you in. Am G F G No never, no never, no never let them win. Am C F C Go ahead young man, face towards the sun, D F Run man, run while you can, D Am Run man, run man, run.
Interlude Am Running like a hare, like a deer, like a rabbit, Am Danger in the air, coming near, you can smell it, Am And you're panting like a hare, like a deer, like a rabbit, Am Running from the snare until fear is a habit. Am Hurry on and on and on. Am Hurry on and on, hurry on and on Am Run and run until you know you're free, Am Run to the end of the world 'til you find a place Am where they never never never
Am C No never, no never, no they'll never lock you in. Am G F G Never, no never, no never let them win. Am C F C Go ahead young man, face towards the sun, D F Run man, run while you can, D Am Run man, run man, run.

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