Eric Andersen

Belgian Bar

Eric Andersen


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Belgian Bar

Written by Eric Andersen

	  		Am                  Em         G 
We were living in a nice hotel on the avenue Louise 
            Am                   C       G       Am 
Workin on a project there it was just my man and me 
Am          Em                    G 
I was unattached back then like a puppet off his feet 
G               Am                  C     G      Am 
A crazy pile of broken strings only one I had to keep 
G                    F              Am                 G 
We walked around the corner saw the lights of a little bar 
G                               Am                 G 
The mood there made me curious a chance to forget awhile  
Am                  Em      G 
Inside a couple of tables a couple rock 'n roll cassettes 
G             Am                      C       G       Am 
I was drinkin rum that night with the barmaid speakin French 
G                             Am 
I wonder just how things have changed 
G                 Am 
I wonder where you are 
      C           G  
And I wonder if a young French girl 
F                        Am 
Still works in a Belgian bar 
Am             Em                G 
Brussels in October the yellow gray's all I recall 
                Am               C           G      Am 
The rain ran on forever like the wires on a trolley car 
Am              Em                      G 
Walkin down the new wet streets ancient wind blowin through my heart 
G               Am                   C          G    Am 
The only face I couldn't see was the face of my true love 
G                   F                  Am                G 
I dreamed about the lights of Nice the rust rocks of the coast 
G                                    Am               G 
I dreamed about a frozen path to the one I missed the most 
Am                     Em                G 
Then I guess it wasn't long before I was on my feet again 
                      Am                      C        G     Am 
It must have happened someplace quiet cause I don't remember when 
G                             Am 
I wonder just how things have changed 
G                  Am 
I wonder where you are 
      C           G 
And I wonder if a young French girl 
F                        Am 
Still works in a Belgian bar 
Am                                   Em                G            
When I look over my shoulder from the window of my train 
G                Am              C          G       Am 
I think about my man again who I heard has moved to Spain 
Am                    Em                    G 
We worked hard and we traveled some through France and Italy 
G                           Am          C      G          Am 
When it rained down hard in Brussels it poured on you and me 
G                    F               Am           G  
And when my eyes got tangled in the honey colored hair 
G                                                  Am             G 
Of the girl that poured the drinks that night when we were talkin 
Am                          Em                G 
She had eyes that seemed to drink us up and a crooked little smile 
When we sailed off for the starry night 
       C     G            Am 
And forever took a little while 
G                             Am 
I wonder just how things have changed 
G                  Am 
I wonder where you are 
      C           G 
And I wonder if a young French girl 
F                        Am 
Still works in a Belgian bar 

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