Fiona Apple


Fiona Apple

keyboards Intermediate intermediate


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I could liken you to a werewolf, the way you left me for dead 

        Dm            C            A# 
But I admit that I provided a full moon 
And I could liken you to a shark, the way you bit off my head 
          Dm         C              A#            C 
But then again I was waving around a bleeding open wound 

F                   Em 
But you were such a super guy 
'Til the second you get away from me 
F              D)# 
We were like a wishing well 
And a bolt of electricity 
    F              Am 
But we could still support each other 
C                  A# 
All we gotta do is avoid each other 
F                 Em           Dm           Am 
Nothing wrong when a song ends in the minor key (2x) 


A#               D# 
The lava of a volcano 
A#                         D# 
Shot up hot from under the sea 
D7                  F#m 
One thing leads to another 
And you made an island of me 

G  E  G 

And I could liken you to a chemical, the way you made me compound to compound 
          Am              G        F 
But I'm a chemical too, inevitable you and me would mix 
And I could liken you to a lot of things, but I always come around 
             Am        G              F                  G 
Cause in the end I'm a sensible girl. I know the fiction of the fix 

F                   Em 
But you were such a super guy 
'Til the second you get away from me 
F              D# 
We were like a wishing well 
And a bolt of electricity 
    F              Am 
But we could still support each other 
C                  A# 
All we gotta do is avoid each other 
F                 Em           Dm           Am 
Nothing wrong when a song ends in the minor key (4x) 

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