Flamingos in the Tree

Throned Rose

Flamingos in the Tree

keyboards Intermediate intermediate


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Throned Rose


Chord Dictionary 
   Emaj7 D#m7 G#m C#m7 C#m7b5 B7 B9 B7sus 

Emaj7 D#m7 G#m C#m7 C#m7b5 B 

Verse 1:

Emaj7 She's not there for love B7 B9 B7sus B7 Summer poolside fun Emaj7 She's ankle-deep again B7 B9 B7sus B7 Scared of the deep end


Emaj7 But why (Why?) B7 B9 B7sus B7 Does she begin to cry (Oo-oo-oo) Emaj7 At the sound (Sound) B7 B9 B7sus Of his little goodbye?
Emaj7 They were meant to be D#m7 G#m It's not hard to see C#m7 C#m7b5 B7 When they fell from the stars they found love
Solo (keyboard solo, on guitar its just chords) Emaj7 D#m7 G#m C#m7 C#m7b5 B7

Verse 2:

Emaj7 Holding hands at night B7 B9 B7sus B7 Romance that sparks a light Emaj7 Scared of wanting more B7 B9 B7sus B7 Pain sprouted before


Emaj7 But why (Why?) B7 (B9) Does she begin to cry (Oo-oo-oo) B9 B7sus B7 Emaj7 Well every bo dy knows (Knows) B7 B9 She fears the Thorned Rose
Emaj7 They were meant to be D#m7 G#m It's not hard to see C#m7 C#m7b5 B7 When they fell from the stars they found love
Solo (Guitar solo) Emaj7 Emaj7 D#m7 e|---------0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-| B|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-6h8p6h8-8-----------------------6h8p6h8-9-------6--\4-----------6--/8---------------------------8---6---| D|-------------------------------------------------------------9-----------6--\4---------------------------| F|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| G#m C#m7 e|-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-| B|---------------------------------7-------------------------------| G|---------4---4---6---6---8---------------9-------8---6-------9---| D|-----------------------------------------------------------------| F|-----------------------------------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------------------------------| C#m7b5 B7 B7 e|-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-0-.-.-.-| B|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|---------8-------6-----------6---8---9-------8--\6---6--\4---4-------6---------------------------| D|---------------------9-----9---------------------------------------------------------------------| F|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Outro Emaj7 B7 But why does she begin to cry? B9 Emaj7 B7 Well everybody knows she fears the Thorned Rose *********************************** | / Slide up | \ Slide down | h Hammer-on | p Pull-off ***********************************

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