Florida Georgia Line

What Are You Drinking About

Florida Georgia Line

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What Are You Drinking About

	  		What Are You Drinking About  
Recorded by Florida Georgia Line 

(No Capo) 

Intro.:  |(C) |(D)(Em)| x 2ai 

(C) Well hey girl, what's a girl like you (D)doing in a place (Em)like this?usa 
With lipstick (C)on the edge of your cocktail glass, (D) you took a sip and it was (Em)gone so fast 
(C) It looks to me like you might need another one, (D) a double one, (Em)yeah me too 
(C) You're too pretty to look so blue, I (D)hope you don't mind (Em)me asking you girl 

(C) What are you drinkin' about (D) to-(Em)night? (C) Are you shootin' down some old love, (D) baby, that (Em)makes two of us (C) In the same bar, (D) in the same (Em)boat (C) A little bit of mistake, whis-(D)key (Em)and a little bit of coke (Am) And a whole (Bm) lot of lonely too (C) What are you drinkin' 'bout, (D) 'cause baby, I'm drinkin' 'bout (C)you
Inst.: / / / |(D)(Em)|(C) |(D)(Em)| (C) Well hey girl, what's a girl like you (D)doing here feeling (Em)like me? Memories (C) on the edge of your cocktail glass, (D) with every sip (Em)they're fading so fast (C) It looks to me like you might need another one, (D) a double one, (Em) yeah me too (C) I'm already forgettin' 'bout who (D)broke my heart (Em)when I'm lookin' at you, girl
(C) What are you drinkin' about (D) to-(Em)night? (C) Are you shootin' down some old love, (D) baby, that (Em)makes two of us (C) In the same bar, (D) in the same Em)boat (C) A little bit of mistake, whis-(D)key (Em)and a little bit of coke (Am) And a whole (Bm) lot of lonely too (C) What are you drinkin' 'bout, (D) 'cause baby, I'm drinkin' 'bout
(C) You and me gettin' outta here, disappear, headed south where the coast is clear For-(Bm)get about him, forget about her, and all the never were's, never were's Never were (Bb) meant to be's, so baby (Am)look in my eyes and tell me
(C) What are you drinkin' about (D) to-(Em)night? (C) Are you shootin' down some old love, (D) baby, that (Em)makes two of us (C) In the same bar, (D) in the same (Em)boat (C) A little bit of mistake, whis-(D)key (Em)and a little bit of coke (Am) And a whole (Bm) lot of lonely too (C) What are you drinkin' 'bout, (D) 'cause baby, I'm drinkin' 'bout (C)you |(D)(Em)|
(Tag) (C) What are you, what are you, what are you (D)drinkin' 'bout (Em)baby? (C) What are you, what are you, what are you (D)drinkin' 'bout (Em)baby? (C) What are you, what are you, what are you (D)drinkin' 'bout (Em)baby? (C) -----

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