Foot Ox

Josephine And Maxine

Foot Ox

keyboards Beginner beginner


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Josephine And Maxine

	  		josephine and maxine by Foot Ox 

G/F# is just a G but you move to the 2nd fret on the lower e string,  
just a rundown basically. 

Em                     C                G 
my love Josephine, her job's to swallow keys 
 D                                  C            
 she sleeps in the greenhouse where she sleeps, seldomly 
Em                                  C              G 
 with her sister Lauror, who sleeps at the liquor store 
D                  C         
 she's got nothing there no more 
            C                      G           D 
 except the birds that flicker and flutter and fly 
           C                       G       D 
 they will not leave her stomach until she cries 
           C             G         D 
 and then they will pick her bones dry 
           C             G         D 
 and then they will pick her bones dry 

Em D G G/F# (repeat untill end) 

 you are a split personality parody 
 you're lacking in sincere sincerity 
 you've been shooting up the track 
 you're wrong if you think you can't come back 

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