Frank Sinatra

Can't We Be Friends

Frank Sinatra

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Can't We Be Friends

Written by Paul James/Kay Swift

Introd: G Am7 Gdim G C9 Fm Fdim C 

Em7          Am  Em7  Am      D      
I took each word she said as gospel truth  
Dm        E7    G/B     Em7   Am 
The way a silly little child would. 
Em7       Am     Em7        D      
I can't excuse it on the grounds of youth,  
Dm        G   Em7    Dm    Dm7   Am 
I was no babe in the wild, wild wood. 
F          Am      Cdim            Am 
She didn't mean it, I should have seen it,  
   Fdim  G        C   C/B   A7  Gdim   Dm7   D7/9   G5 
But now it's too late. 
F7M   D7/9                  G           G7 
 I  thought I'd found the girl of my dreams,  
Cm7/9   Fdim  Cm7/9    C       Edim  G#7 G7 
 Now it seems, this is how the sto - ry ends -- 
G     Am7   Gdim     G       C9    
She's gonna turn me down and say,  
 Fm   Fdim      C     Edim Dm7 - Fdim -  G 
"Can't we be friends?" 
F7M D7/9               G           G7 
I thought for once it couldn't go wrong,  
Cm7/9   Fdim Cm7/9      C     Edim  G#7  G7 
Not for long,  I  can see the way this ends -- 
G     Am7   Gdim     G       C9    Fm   Fdim      C 
She's gonna turn me down and say, "Can't we be friends?" 
F   Fdim       Fm    Cdim  Dm7  C   G  Fdim  C 
Why  should  I care though she gave me the  air, 
C     E7       A     Em7           A7 
Why should I cry,     heave a sigh,  
A7/13-       D7/9       Em7   D7/9  G 
And wonder why, and won - der why? 
F7M   D7/9                 G             G7 
 I thought I found the gal I could trust,  
Cm7/9    Fdim  Cm7/9    C     Edim  G#7  G7 
Whatta bust, this is how the story ends  
G      Am7    Gdim      G        C9     Fm    Fdim       C 
She's gonna turn me down and say, "Can't we be friends?" 

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