Gene Watson

What She Don't Know Won't Hurt Her

Gene Watson

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What She Don't Know Won't Hurt Her

Written by Ernie Rowell

	  		   E                                A               E 
My woman thinks I wouldn't cheat on her when we're apart 
A                    E                           B 
But there's a secret hidden in the shadows of my heart 
    E                                     A  
The truth is catching up with me and it's hard to hide my shame 
     A                    E        B                     E  
What she don't know won't hurt her but it's drivin' me insane 
A B E My mind can't take my body runnin' 'round anymore A E B That guilty feelin's waitin' for me right outside my door E A So let's just call it off tonight and let my conscience be A E B E What she don't know won't hurt her but it's destroyin' me
It bothers me every time I hear the doorbell ring That someone might be droppin' by to tell her everything I stay upset 'cause I don't know if anybody sees What she don't know won't hurt her but it's destroyin' me Chorus What she don't know won't hurt her but, Lord, it's killin' me

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