Glee Cast

Shes Not There

Glee Cast

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Shes Not There

Written by Glee Cast

	  			     Gm      C        Bb  C   
	Well no one told me about her 
	Gm      Eb      Gm  
	   The way she lied 
	Gm              C       Gm    C   
	    Well no one told me about her 
      	Gm       C       G 
	How many people tried 

	             C      Cm       Gm 
	But it's too late to say you're sorry 
	            Dm                 Gm 
	How would I know, why should I care 
	              C      Cm       Bb 
	Please don't bother trying to find her 
	She's not there 

	                                        Gm / C   
	Well let me tell you 'bout the way she looked 
	            Gm          Eb           Gm    Cm 
	The way she acted, the color of her hair 
	              Gm        Eb                         Gm        Cm 
	Her voice was soft and good,   her eyes were clear and bright 
	But she's not there 

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