Glen Campbell

Wild Flower

Glen Campbell

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Wild Flower

	  		Wild Flower 
Glen Campbell 
1972 Album The Artistry of Glen Campbell 

Intro  C  Dm  Bb  Am  A  A7  Dm 

verse 1 

Dm              C                       Bb      C 
She's faced the hardest times you could imagine 
    Gm             C                    F     A7  Dm 
And many times her eyes fought back the tears 
             C                  Bb            Gm 
And when her youthful world was about to fall in 
     C                Bb         
Each time her slender shoulders  
         C                 Bb 
bore the weight of all her fears 
      F             C 
And a sorrow no one hears 
      Bb       C        Gm             D 
Still rings in midnight silence in her ears 

Bb C Bb F Let her cry.... for she's a lady Bb A7 Dm Dm7 Let her dream...... for she's a child... Bb Am Gm Gm7 Let the rain fall down... upon her C C7 Bb F Bb She's a free and gentle flower growing wild
verse 2 Bb C C7 F And if by chance I should hold her... Bb C C7 F Let me hold her for a time... Dm Bb C F But if allowed just one possession Bb C Bb F Dm I would pick her from the garden to be mine..... Riff Dm Gm C Bb Dm Bb Am A A7 Bb F Dm verse 3 Dm C Bb Gm Be careful how you touch her for she'll awaken C C7 F And sleep's the only freedom that she knows Dm C Gm Bb And when you walk into her eyes you won't believe C C7 C C7 The way she's always paying for a debt she never owes C C7 And a silent wind still blows Bb Am Gm C D That only she can hear and so she goes
Bb Gm Bb F Let her cry.... for she's a lady Bb C7 Dm Let her dream for she's a child Bb Am Gm Let the rain fall down upon her C Bb C F She's a free and gentle flower growing wild
Outro Bb C F Let her cry for she's a lady Bb A7 Dm Let her dream 'cause she's a child Bb Am Gm Let the rain fall down upon her C C7 F She's a free and gentle flower growing wild C C7 F She's a flower growing wild C Bb F she's free free and wild flyinglibra51 God Bless Glen Travis Campbell

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