Gram Parsons

A Song For You

Gram Parsons

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A Song For You

Written by Gram Parsons

A                     Bm             
Oh, my land is like a wild goose  
D                  A       D E  D 
Wanders all around everywhere  
A                                 Bm  
Trembles and it shakes till every tree is loose  
D                           A         D  E  D  
It rolls the meadows and it rolls the nails  
A                       Bm  
So take me down to your dance floor  
    D                       A         D  E  D  
And I wonīt mind the people when they stare  
A                               Bm            D  
Paint a different color on your front door  
D                    A        D  E  D 
And tomorrow we will still be there  
A                            Bm               
Jesus built a ship to sing a song to  
D                          A          D  E   D 
It sails the rivers and it sails the tide  
A                                      Bm 
Some of my friends donīt know who they belong to  
D                                A    D  E  D 
Some canīt get a single thing to work inside  
   A                    Bm 
So take me down to your dance floor  
D                           A         D  E  D 
And I wonīt mind the people when they stare  
A                               Bm 
Paint a different color on your front door  
D                    A        D  E  D  A 
And tomorrow we will still be there 
A                                  Bm 
I loved you every day and now Iīm leaving  
D                        A       D E D 
And I can see the sorrow in your eyes  
A                                         Bm 
I hope you know a lot more than youīre believing  
D                              A       D  E  D 
Just so the sun donīt hurt you when you cry  
A                        Bm 
Oh, take me down to your dance floor  
D                       A         D E D  
I wonīt mind the people when they stare  
A                                Bm 
Paint a different color on your front door  
D                   A       D E D   
And tomorrow we may still be there  
Bm                  D          A 
And tomorrow we may still be there

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