Grand Funk Railroad

Just Couldn't Wait

Grand Funk Railroad

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Just Couldn't Wait

	  		Intro: Dm7  C4  C 

C                Bb  
I miss her face  
                        C          Bb    
But the girl left seven years ago  
                        C          Bb 
Guess I never should've let her go  
                            C           Bb 
That's how I feel because I love her so 
                             C          Bb 
But I'm afraid that she will never know 
She just couldn't wait 
                                C4   C  C4  C    
She said she couldn't wait 'til some day 
She just couldn't wait, my baby just couldn't wait, no 
                                C4   C  C4  C       
She said she couldn't wait 'til some day 
     C4    C  C4  C     
Til some day 
    C             Bb 
Oh, tell me now 
                            C             Bb 
where do the broken-hearted go from here 
                                   C              Bb 
You missed her love and now you're steering clear 
                          C            Bb 
I ain't afraid of nothin' but my fear 
                                 C            Bb 
The fear that she might see this rollin' tear 
She just couldn't wait 
                                C4   C  C4  C    
She said she couldn't wait 'til some day 
She just couldn't wait, my baby just couldn't wait, no  

Solo D5 
                                C4   C  C4  C    
Oh,she couldn't wait 'til some day, no   

     C4    C  C4  C     
Til some day 

She just couldn't wait, my baby just couldn't wait, no 
                                C4   C  C4  C    
She said she couldn't wait 'til some day 
She just couldn't wait, my baby just couldn't wait, no 

She said she couldn't wait, ya'know she just coundn't wait no  

                                C4   C  C4  C    
She said she couldn't wait 'til some day 

     C4    C  C4  C     
Til some day 

Bb  C  
Oh, oh 

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