Guy Clark

Off The Map

Guy Clark

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Off The Map

	  		INTRO - D G A7 

verse 1 
                       D                     G                        A7                       D  A7 
He's down a dead end road and he don't know where     His right front tire could sure use some air 
              D    D7                 G                 A7                      D     A7 
Up around the bend just a two-pump place     He pulls in to get his bearings straight 

verse 2 
          D                 G                  A7               D     A7 
He thumbs back through his life     the pages cut just like a knife 
        D   D7            G                   A7                      D 
One by one he tears them out     How he got so lost he really don't know how 

Bm A G D In a nowhere town with a nowhere name he's nowhere closer to where he came from Bm A G D Dead sure no one's to blame He's just off the map again
INSTRUM - D D7 G A7 D A7 verse 3 D G A7 D A7 It starts to rain, he's going to wait it out Going to rest his eyes, going to face his doubts D D7 G A7 D He pours a drink into a paper cup He goes to sleep and he don't wake up Chorus x 2

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