Guy Clark

Queenie's Song

Guy Clark


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Queenie's Song

Written by Guy Clark

	  		C          F   
Some S.O.B. shot my dog 
C                  F 
I found her under a tree 
C                          F 
If I hadn't loved that dog so much 
C                G          C 
It wouldn't mean nothin' to me 
But you son of a bitch I'll tell you what 
I will not be deterred  
I'll find you out and track you down 
On that you have my word  
F C Queenie's gettin' buried F C It's time to dig the hole Am* F New years day in Santa Fe C G C Broke mean and it broke cold
I don't predict the world will end And I don't presume it won't And I don't pretend to give a damn If it do or if it don't Now I bet you got a gun for christmas But that don't make it right Now what in the hell where you thinking With little Queenie in your sights? Chorus Now brother death and father time Are almost loaded up And they are headed for the borderline In a stolen pick-up truck For old acquaintance not forgot For old dogs left behind I wont' forgive and I can't forget The year of '99 C G C Screamin' Auld Lang Syne Chorus * -- this could also just be the C chord, I'm not totally positive!

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