Hillsong Live


Hillsong Live

keyboards Intermediate intermediate

by  FER_G12_89

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Key:  B More
Go Key F#F#
Go Key GG
Go Key G#G#
Go Key AA(one step down)
Go Key A#A#(half step down)
Go Key BB(original key)
Go Key CC(half step up)
Go Key C#C#(one step up)
Go Key DD
Go Key D#D#
Go Key EE
Go Key FF
Intro: B (2x) 

B We're giving it all away, away B We're giving it all to go Your way (2x)
Verse 1: B In the Father there is freedom B There is hope in the name that is Jesus B Lay Your life down, give it all now B We are found in the love of the Savior Pre-Chorus: E G#m We've come alive in You B Set free to show the truth E G#m F# Our lives will never be the same
B We're giving it all away, away B We're giving it all to go Your way
Verse 2: B We are sold out to Your calling B Everything that we are for Your glory B Take our hearts now, have it all now B Let our lives shine the light like the morning Pre-Chorus: E G#m We've come alive in You B Set free to show the truth E G#m F# Our lives will never be the same
B We're giving it all away, away E G#m E We're giving it all to go Your way (2x)
Bridge: C#m B F# Roll back the curtains from our eyes And now we can see You C#m B F# Shown us your way, your truth and life C#m B F# We offer our lives to bring You fame E We're caught in Your freedom E We're caught in Your freedom (Chorus)

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down
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