Hillsong Live

Love Knows No End

Hillsong Live

keyboards Advanced advanced

by  FER_G12_89

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Love Knows No End

	  		Intro: A  A/C#  A/C#  F#m  D9  A  C#m7  

Verse 1: 
          A                A/C#  
I lift my eyes to see Your face  
          A               A/C#   
I know my help is in Your Name  
         F#m           D9  
In everything held by hands  
      A  C#m7  
Of mercy  

Verse 2: 
       A            A/C#                  
I will run and not grow weary  
       A               A/C#  
I will rise in God my strength  
               F#m               D9  
My heart will trust, for all my hope  
            A   C#m7   
Is Christ alone  

A Now my soul sings E Your love it knows no end D9 Your love it knows no end A E/G# Your love it knows no eeend
Intro: A A/C# A A/C# Verse 3: I will love for You have loved I will forgive as You forgive Your love prevails You fill my life With hope again
A Now my soul sings E Your love it knows no end D9 Your love it knows no end A E/G# Your love it knows no eeend (2x)
Bridge: D9 F#m You reign forever A E You reign forever D9 F#m E You are the light unto this world (3x)
A Now my soul sings E Your love it knows no end D9 Your love it knows no end A E Your love it knows no eeend (3x)

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