Hillsong Live

The Freedom We Know

Hillsong Live

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by  FER_G12_89

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The Freedom We Know

Written by Joel Houston; Marty Sampson; Matt Tennikoff

	  		Intro:  G 

We're gonna dance dance dance 
In the freedom we know 
We're gonna dance dance 
In the freedom we know 
We're gonna dance dance dance 
In the freedom we know 
Because the freedom we know is gonna last forever 

ReIntro:  G   F   G   F (2x) 

verse 1: 
The world turns in all of its ways 
But I'm soul set on a holy name 
    Em                         F 
And when all earth is said and done 
                    G   F   G   F   
Still I will praise Him 
There's no end to the love that He gives 
And now broken dreams have life again 
       Em                F 
In the hope of the risen King 
                 G   F   G   F 
So let us praise Him 

D            Em 
a mystery unthinkable 
That He took the fall just to save my soul 
D                  Em 
Now to love is the life I know 
    F             C9 
And on and on and on we'll be singing 

G D Em Soul set free in the One I love F C9 Come on come on G D And let the whole earth sing Em In the freedom we know F C9 G F G F (2x) So come on come on and praise Him
verse 2: G Come come all the lost and the found G Let us rise up with a holy sound Em F All the earth unified as one G F G F Just to praise Him G In full view with nothing to hide G Like a city on a hill we're gonna shine Em F In the light of Your freedom G F G F Let us praise Him (Pre-Chorus)
G D Em Soul set free in the One I love F C9 Come on come on G D And let the whole earth sing Em In the freedom we know F C9 G F G F (2x) So come on come on and praise Him (2x)
Bridge: G We're gonna dance dance dance In the freedom we know F We're gonna dance dance In the freedom we know Em We're gonna dance dance dance In the freedom we know F Because the freedom we know is gonna last forever (3x)

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