Hippie Sabotage

Devil Eyes

Hippie Sabotage

keyboards Beginner beginner


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Devil Eyes

Em           Am      C 
You've got the devil in your eyes 
Em         Am        C 
You went and took me by surprise 
Em           Am      
Say what you wanna say I won't go back 
If you wanna hit the road then let's go then 
Em             Am 
Let's just go and see the world and just show them 
What it really means to live like golden 

Em             Am        
Yeah we're golden, babygirl we're golden 
They about to see a shine cause we're golden 
Em                   Am 
They can never break us down cause we're golden 
They about to see us glow cause we're golden 

Em              Am        
Yeah we're golden, babygirl we're golden 
They about to see a shine cause we're golden 
Em                Am 
They can never break us down cause we're golden 
They about to see us glow cause we're golden 

Em             Am        C 
You've got the devil in your eyes 
Em                 Am          C 
You went and took me by surprise 
Em                  Am  
Say what you wanna say I won't go back 
If you wanna hit the road then let's go then 
Em                       Am   
Let's just go and see the world and just show them 
What it really means to live like golden 

Em                    Am                                   
Yeah we're golden, babygirl we're golden 
Yeah about to see a shine cause we're golden 
Em                       Am                   
They can never break us down cause we're golden 
They're about to see us glow cause we're golden 

Em                   Am                                   
Yeah we're golden, babygirl we're golden 
They about to see a shine cause we're golden 
Em                      Am                                    
They can never break us down cause we're golden 
They about to see us glow cause we're golden 

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