Jackie James

Take my heart

Jackie James

keyboards Beginner beginner


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Take my heart

	  		take my heart, its your to take 
D                       F#m 
take my heart, its your to break 
EM                      A 
take it now and keep it always 
G                 A7 
ever more or just to day 
D                      F#m 
take my heart and make it thrill 
D                F#m 
with my heart do as you will 
EM                    A 
do it all, I love you madly 
EM                    A 
madly, if you take my heart 
life is short 
for everyone 
BM        A 
give your hand 
D           F#m 
you will be my own 
repeat I 
repeat II 
repeat I 
G           A7 
do you hear me now 


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