Jesse Goldberg

Once Upon A Long Time Ago

Jesse Goldberg

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Once Upon A Long Time Ago

F  Em  Dm  G7 
C  Am  F  G 

Verse 1:

C Am F G Once there was a neighborhood street C Am F G Handlebar bicycle seats Am C D F A house full of love, a great place to grow C Am F G C Once upon a long time ago

Verse 2:

C Am F G If only I could go back again C Am F G To mom and dad and all of my friends Am C D F I would feel safe with the people I know C Am F G C From once upon a long time ago


F C I'll never fly off to Neverland E7 Am I'll never travel in time F C All I can do is the best I can Am G And go there in my mind

Verse 3:

C Am F G So I close my eyes, imagine I'm there C Am F G Hide and seek, musical chairs Am C D F Hot summer nights, and the cold winter snow C Am F G C From once upon a long time ago


F C I smile as I look back on roads I've crossed E7 Am Travelling down memory lane F C But without all of those that I loved and lost Am G Life is not the same

Verse 4:

C Am F G For all the good times I-i can recall C Am F G To all I've loved, God bless you all Am C D F The happiest moments that I'll ever know C Am F G C Were once upon a long time ago Outro F Em Dm G7 C F Once upon a time Em Once upon a time Dm F G7 Once upon a long time C Am F G Ago C

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