Jessie Ware


Jessie Ware

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Key:  G More
Pieces Key DD
Pieces Key D#D#
Pieces Key EE
Pieces Key FF(one step down)
Pieces Key F#F#(half step down)
Pieces Key GG(original key)
Pieces Key G#G#(half step up)
Pieces Key AA(one step up)
Pieces Key A#A#
Pieces Key BB
Pieces Key CC
Pieces Key C#C#
Intro:  Em G  Em  G  (2X)
Em              G               Am 
....A reason to live, reason to love 
                  Em                 D 
you gave me them both and more yet 
Em              G                     Am   
....a reason to fall and a reason to hide 
         Em       A7 
suddenly all I’m left with. 

Bb                         Eb 
....I was so sure this was real, but 
C                           D 
Now I’m sure of nothing at all. 

Em                D/F# G 
..I had to shatter to pieces, 
             Am               Em     D 
You made me reveal myself, reveal myself. 
Em                       D/F# G 
..Now that you no longer need them, 
               Am             Em      D 
give them to someone else, to someone else. 

Em                G                   Am 
....Take what you gave, And throw it away. 
                    Em              D 
Now everything’s changed, it’s misplaced, 
Em                 G                     Am   
....but nothing to say, cuz’ I’m not the same. 
               Em    A7 
It’s almost as if we just met. 

Bb                         Eb 
....I was so sure this was real, but 
C                           D 
Now I’m sure of nothing at all. 

Em                D/F# G 
..I had to shatter to pieces, 
             Am               Em     D 
You made me reveal myself, reveal myself. 
Em                       D/F# G 
..Now that you no longer need them, 
               Am             Em      D 
give them to someone else, to someone else. 

Csus2             G       F         C9  
....It’s illogical, I was nothing without you. 
Cm9                       G       F              C            D 
....But you ought to know. I was lost when I had found you. 

Em                D/F# G 
..I had to shatter to pieces, 
             Am               Em     D 
You made me reveal myself, reveal myself. 
Em                       D/F# G 
..Now that you no longer need them, 
               Am             Em      D 
give them to someone else, to someone else. 

Em                D/F# G 
..I had to shatter to pieces, 
             Am               Em     D 
You made me reveal myself, reveal myself. 
Em                       D/F# G 
..Now that you no longer need them, 
               Am             Em      D 
give them to someone else, to someone else.  

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