Jethro Tull

Kissing Willie

Jethro Tull


by  MAX(BA)

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Kissing Willie

Year: 2006 - Album: Rock Island

	  		Em  (E5)  
Breaking hearts in a market town.  
                 B5    E5              C  
She eats filet of sole and washes it down  
G       A  
with sparkling wine.  
F     Bb      Cm                  Eb     Cm  
Well she's nice girl, but a bad girl's better.  
                          D   Em  
Qualifies in both ways to my mind.  
             D        Em  
But now she's kissing Willie.  
She shows a leg --- shows it damn well.  
Knows how to drive a manright back  
G       A  
to being a child.  
F     Bb      Cm                  Eb     Cm  
Well she's nice girl, but a bad girl's better.  
                          D   Em  
Qualifies in both ways to my mind.  
             D        Em  
But now she's kissing Willie. (My best friend, Willie.)  
(Rest the same)  
Willie stands and Willie falls. Willie bangs his head  
behind grey factory walls.  
She's a --- nice girl, but her bad girl's better. Me and Willie  
just can't help come, when she calls.  
Now she's kissing Willie. (My best friend, Willie.)  


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