Jethro Tull

Pibroch (Cap in Hand)

Jethro Tull


by  MAX(BA)

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Pibroch (Cap in Hand)

Written by Ian Anderson

            Em          C   D                 Em  
There's a light in the house in the wood in the valley.  
            C           B7           Am  
There's a thought in the head of the man.  
        Em          C   D                           Em  
Who carries his dreams like the coat slung on his shoulder,  
              C           B7           Am  
Bringing you love in the cap in his hand.  
And each step he takes is one half of a lifetime:  
no word he would say could you understand.  
So he bundles his regrets into a gesture of sorrow,  
Bringing you love cap in hand.  
Catching breath as he looks through the dining-room window:  
candle lit table for two has been laid.  
Strange slippers by the fire.  
Strange boots in the hallway.  
Put my cap on my head.  
I turn and walk away.  

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