Jethro Tull

Song for Jeffrey

Jethro Tull


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Song for Jeffrey

Written by Ian Anderson

	  		Intro: D5 flute  
G //{C} Bb harmonica  
G               C    Bb  G  
Gonna lose my way tomorrow,  
              C    Bb G  
gonna give away my car.  
               C    Bb G  
I'd take you along with me,  
         F                G  
but you would not go so far.  
G               C          Bb     G  
Don't see what I do not want to see,  
G               C      Bb     G  
you don't hear what I don't say.  
G               C         Bb   G  
Won't be what I don't want to be,  
 F                G  
I continue in my way.  
            F                        G  
I´ve ceased to see where I'm goin',  
       F                        G  
I´ve ceased to see where I'm goin',  
           F                      Bb F  
I´ve ceased to see where I'm goin',  
I don't want to.  
 C          F                Eb Bb            G  
Everyday I see the mornin' come on in the same old way.  
C                F                Eb Bb                   G  
 I tell myself tomorrow brings me things I would not dream today.  
Contribuição: Rafael Vasconcelos Castro([email protected]) 


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