Jethro Tull

With You There To Help Me

Jethro Tull

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With You There To Help Me

Year: 2001 - Album: Live at Montreux 2003

Written by Ian Anderson

      Em  Em7 Am  C        Em  Em7 Am  C       B      Em 
Verso 1: 
    Em           Em/G      Em/B      Am       Am/C     Am/E    Am G Em 
    In           days      of        peace, 
    Sweet        smell-    ing       summer   nights 
    Of           wine      and       song. 
    Dusty        pave-     ment,     burning  feet. 
Why am I         cry-      ing? I    want to  know. 
How can I        smile        and    make it  right 
For sixty        days         and    eighty   nights, 
And not give     in           and    lose the fight? 
Pré-refrão:     Em  G A  D (2x) 
                F#  A B  E (2x) 
                B  C# D    (2x) 
G A D I'm going back to the ones that I know G C B With whom I can be what I want to be. G A D Just one week for the feeling to go, G A D Em And with you there to help me then it probably will.
Repete a introdução: Verse 2 : Em Em/G Em/B Am Am/C Am/E Am G Em ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I won't go down Acting the same old play. Gave sixty days for just one night. Don't think I'd make it, but I'd bet I might. Pré-refrão: Refrão: Intro: Solo: Refrão: Em Em7 Am C Em Em7 Am C A B E I'm going back to the ones that I know A D C# With whom I can be what I want to be. A B E Just one week for the feeling to go, A B E F#m And with you there to help me then it probably will. Solo 2: _______________________________________________________ Contribuição: Taino Vieira([email protected])

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