Jo Stafford

Rockin' Chair

Jo Stafford

keyboards Expert expert


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Rockin' Chair

Written by Hoagy Carmichael

D   D9   D4/9   D9   D7/9     G     G6         Gm7  Edim 
Ol' rock - in' chair's got me,   my cane by my side  
 D    F#m     B7       E7                 A7   Edim 
Fetch me that gin, son, 'fore I tan your hide 
Bm   F#7            Bm7   F#7 Bm7 C#7  F#7 
Can't get from this cabin,    go  no  where 
E7  Bm5-/7          E7 
Just sit me here grabbin'  
        A7             A7/13-      D 
At the flies 'round my rockin' chair 
D7     Fdim  D9   D7        D7      Fdim D9  D7 
My dear old Aunt Harriet    in Heaven    she be  
C#7           F#m     B7         E7          Bm5-/7      A7  E7  A7  
Send me sweet chariot,   for the end of that trouble I see 
D   D9  D4/9      D9  D7/9     G         G6     Gm7  Edim 
Ol' rockin' chair gets it  judgment day is here 
  D    F#m Bm7 G  Gdim  Edim   D 
Chained to my old rockin'   chair 

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