Joe Diffie

Is it cold in here

Joe Diffie

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Is it cold in here

Written by Joe Diffie/Danny Morrison/William Morrison/Kerry Kurt Phillips

	  		Verse 1 
GThere' something wrong lord i'mCFeeling aGChill. 
CThat runs throught my heart, like a torch cuts 
Ccuts throughDSteel. 
Gyou haven't said a word,Are youCfeeling itGto. 
GIs it cold in here orDis it justGyou. 
Verse 2 
CDid I leave the door wide open and let the chill 
kill that oldBdesire. 
CShould I put my arms around you' 
Or put another log on theAfire. 
CIs it my imagination or did the tempaturejustAdrop 
Anothch orG.two 
GIs it cold in here orDis it justGyou. 
Verse 3 
There's no warmth at all, when i try to hold you near. 
You stare into apsc as if I weren't here. 
Did our love just die' 
Or is it about to. 
Is it cold in here,or is it just you. 
repeat 2 


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