Joe Diffie

So Help Me Girl

Joe Diffie

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So Help Me Girl

You could have kissed me like this wasn't gonna last 
Kept me from sayin' something I'll never take back 
You could have held me like there was no chance 
   A                    F#m  
Of me waking up where I am 
      D                                                E 
You could have stopped short of every dream I've ever had 
A F#m So help me girl, you've gone too far D E It's way too late to save my heart A F#m The way it feels each time we touch D E I know I've never been so loved D E A And I can't help myself, so help me girl
You had to be there when that old sun came up Makin' last night feel like a vision of things yet to come You just had to hold me like nobody else Now look what you've gone and done You had to love me till I just can't get enough Repeat Chorus twice

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