Joe Diffie

Tougher Than Nails

Joe Diffie

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Tougher Than Nails

Written by Phil O'Donnell

INtro - E - A = 4x's 
(verse 1) 
E                             A 
Little boy walks in with a bloody nose, 
E              A                   E      D   A 
Got beat up on his way home from school, aga-in, 
E                         A 
His dad caught him running out the back, 
E                         A         E  A      E 
Tears in his eyes and a baseball bat,  oo revenge, 
C#m                           Bsus       B 
Said son I won't stop ya, but before you go, 
        A                                              Bsus B C#m 
Let me tell you a little story bout the toughest man I know, 
         A               B                E 
You hit him and he just turns the other cheek, 
        A           B           C#m - B 
Don't think for a minute he was weak, 
      A          B 
Cause in the end he showed them, 
        E    B        A 
He was any-thing but frail, 
      C#m                   Bsus B 
They hammered him to a cross, 
                          E - A = 2x's 
But he was tougher than nails, 
(verse 2) 
          E                        A 
Well he droped that bat like it weighed a ton, 
E                      A                E   A            D   A             
Father put his arms around his son and said, just let it go--oo, 
E                    A 
Believe me I've been in your shoes,  
        E                      A    E   A             E 
Had to ask myself what would Jesus  do,   here's what I know, 
C#m                      Bsus             B 
Whenever I'm in doubt, I look up what he said, 
      A                             Bsus                B C#m 
It's all there in the good book, in black and white and red, 
A B E Hit him and he just turns the other cheek, A B C#m - B Don't think for a minute he was weak, A B Cause in the end he showed them, E B A He was any-thing but frail, C#m Bsus B They hammered him to a cross, E - A But he was tougher than nails, A B Yea in the end he showed them, E B A He was any-thing but frail, C#m Bsus B They hammered him to a cross, E - A - E - A But he was tougher than nails, E - A - E - A E Tougher than nails, oh, oh, oh,

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