Joe Diffie

What About Denver

Joe Diffie


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What About Denver

	  		Capo III Fret 
(D) You say you never (A) felt for me 
The (G) way I feel for (D) you 
And you're sorry if you (A) ever lead me (D) on 
You told me time and (A) time again 
That (G) I can't miss your (D) love 
What never was (A) can't be really (D) gone 
But, what ab(G)out Denver 
Don't you re(D)member 
Lying in my (A) arms 
Under Colorado stars 
We could see for(D)ever 
It wasn't just the (G) moon 
You had to feel it (D) too 
Girl, if you and (A) I 
Were nothing but a lie 
What about (D) Denver 
(D) You may say the (A) night you showed up 
(G) Crying at my (D) door 
Was a momentary (A) weakness at the (D) time 
And all the mornings (A) that I found you 
(G) Lying by my (D) side 
Well, you can go and (A) blame it on the (D) wine 
But, what ab(G)out Denver 
Don't you re(D)member 
Lying in my (A) arms 
Under Colorado stars 
We could see for(D)ever 
It wasn't just the (G) moon 
You had to feel it (D) too 
Girl, if you and (A) I 
Were nothing but a lie 
What about (D) Denver 
Girl, if you and (A) I 
Were nothing but a lie 
What about (D) Denver 

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