John Denver

Annie's Song

John Denver

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Annie's Song

Year: 1974 -

Written by John Denver

	  		Intro: D D4 D D9 D D4 D D9 D   
    D4         G  A   Bm    
You fill up my senses   
       G          D      F#m Bm 
Like a night in a forest   
         A             G    F#m  Em             
Like the mountains in springtime   
       G           A    A4 A           
Like a walk in the rain   
        A4          G A   Bm        
Like a storm in the desert   
        G          D     F#m Bm            
Like a sleepy blue ocean   
    A          G  F#m Em   
You fill up my senses   
     A        D    D4 D        
Come fill me again   
D4          G    A   Bm     
Come let me love you   
       G            D      F#m Bm            
Let me give my life to you   
       A             G    F#m Em             
Let me drown in your laughter   
       G           A    A4 A            
Let me die in your arms   
       A4         G    A   Bm        
Let me lay down beside you   
       G         D        F#m Bm            
Let me always be with you   
A           G    F#m Em        
Come let me love you   
     A        D    D4 D  
Come love me again   

D4 G A Bm G D F#m Bm A G  
F#m Em G A A4 A A4 G A Bm 

       G            D      F#m Bm            
Let me give my life to you 
A           G    F#m Em        
Come let me love you   
     A        D    D4 D  
Come love me again 
    D4         G  A   Bm    
You fill up my senses   
       G          D      F#m Bm 
Like a night in a forest   
         A             G    F#m  Em             
Like the mountains in springtime   
       G           A    A4 A           
Like a walk in the rain   
        A4          G A   Bm        
Like a storm in the desert   
        G          D     F#m Bm            
Like a sleepy blue ocean   
    A          G  F#m Em   
You fill up my senses   
     A        D    D4 D D9 D D4 D D9 D        
Come fill me again...   


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