Joint Aktion

Decimated Dreams

Joint Aktion

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Decimated Dreams


A            D          A                 E 
All the kids around me, aspire to do their best 
A                        D             E 
Proud parents and teachers judging the contest 
A            D         A                  E 
But I am just too lazy, too bored out of my mind 
A                  D                     E 
Beating away in the bathroom until I went blind 


D E A F#m I always knew that I, was different somehow D A E And that I would never submit to be like them D E A F#m They made me feel weird, insecure and scared D A E But I learned to fight it, learned how to be proud
A D A E Everyone is busy, plotting out their lives A D E While I will start to bother when the day arrives A D A E They struggle to fit in, they keep it up until they die A D E But in the end they realize it’s just a lie
D E A F#m I always knew that I, was different somehow D A E And that I would never submit to be like them D E A F#m They made me feel weird, insecure and scared D A E But I learned to fight it, learned how to be proud
D E A F#m I always knew that I, was different somehow D A E And that I would never submit to be like them D E A F#m They made me feel weird, insecure and scared D A E But I learned to fight it, learned how to be proud

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