Kara's Flowers

If you only knew

Kara's Flowers

keyboards Beginner beginner

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If you only knew

	  		         C            F 
Every bus, every train, 
         Am          G 
Every cab, every lane is JAMMED 
C F Am G 
           C          F 
So I looked to the sky 
             Am             G 
And I reached for the planes with my hands 
C F Am G 
E             F 
If all my days go wrong 
          F#dim            G 
I'll think about last night 
             G aug      
It went right eh! 
C               F#dim 
If you only knew 
      F                        G 
What I went through just to get to you 
C                   F#dim 
I'm hanging from you 
     F                  C#  
And I'll hold on if you want me to 
C G x3 
"Escala en todos los instrumentos" 
C               F#dim 
If you only knew 
      F                        G 
What I went through just to get to you 
C                   F#dim 
I'm swinging from you 
     F                  C#  
And there's nothing I would rather do 
C F#dim F G 
C F#dim F C# C  


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