Kenny Chesney

There Goes My Life (ver. 2)

Kenny Chesney


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There Goes My Life (ver. 2)

Written by Wendell Mobley/Neil Thrasher

E            A             E                 B 
All he could think about was I'm too young for this 
 E            A 
Got my whole life ahead 
 E      B      A    HOLD 
hell I'm just a kid myself 
how I'm gonna raise one 
 E            A         E              B              
All he could see were his dreams going up in smoke 
 E            A                   E             B      
So much for ditching this town and hanging out on the  
 A                        B 
Oh well, those plans are long gone 
And he said 
  E     B     A 
there goes my life 
 E      B     A         E   
there goes my future, my everything  
    A                E         A 
might as well kiss it all good-bye 
   E     A         E          B 
there goes my life....... 
A couple years of up all night and a few thousand  
diapers later 
That mistake he thought he made covers up the  
Oh yeah..........he loves that little girl. 
Momma's waiting to tuck her in  
as she fumbles up those stairs 
she smiles back at him dragging that teddy bear 
sleep tight, blue eyes and bouncing curls 
He smiles 
there goes my life 
there goes my future my everything  
I love you, daddy goodnight 
there goes my life  
   E                  A     E 
She had that Honda loaded down 
  A                           E              B 
with Abercrombie clothes and 15 pairs of shoes and  
   HOLD  B 
his American express 
 A            E                     A 
he checked the oil and slammed the hood, said your  
good to go 
 A                           E             B FADE 
she hugged them both and headed off to the west coast 
And he cried 
there goes my life 
there goes my future, my everything  
I love you  
baby good-bye 
{Thanks to [email protected] for tabs} 


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